Sunday, February 24, 2013

                                        Friends With Our Feet

Interesting topic but something we all take for granted, our feet.  When was the last time you woke up and felt your feet touch the ground, or even sat for a quiet moment and just rubbed away the tension? When was the last time you actually looked at your feet and thanked them for carrying you around?
                                          The privacy of who's feet these are remains protected
Okay so this may sound a little hokey or even "woowoo" as my husband likes to describe his lovely wife, but really our feet keep us grounded both physically and mentally.  When our world is spinning out of control our feet help us to just come back to earth and just "BREATH".   They remind us to be aware of the present moment with each step we take and bring balance into our lives.

In Yoga the topic of feet comes up a lot.  You will here an instructor say things like "lift your toes, spread your toes, find the four corners of your feet and lift the arches" and so on and so on.  This is all true and helpful whether you are just standing in line, balancing in tree pose, returning to the ground from a jump or step.  Our feet are the foundation to all that we do and how we present ourselves to the world. Each step we take brings us on a new adventure. Every time we balance on one foot we are reminded of how vulnerable we are, how in life we may fall and how rooted we can be when we find our footing again.

So tomorrow morning as the new day begins and you swing your legs from the bed, STOP and feel your feet one by one touch the ground, spread your toes, lift your arches as you stand and then take a deep breath. While your at it, thank your feet for keeping you grounded in not just your body but in your whole being.  Then go out and get a pedicure. :-)


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